Master of Divinity(M.Div.)

  1. Master of Divinity (M.Div) which is a two/ three years degree programme
  2. Candidates applying for an M.Div degree must be a graduate of a recognized University or College with a Bachelor degree or B.Th. M. Div have two year course for the candidates who have an ATA/ Serampore B.Th and three year course for a university graduates
  3. M.Div. students are required to complete 90 credit hours and 60 Credit hours according to their eligibility for the duration of study of three years and two years respectively.


Master of Divinity Course has been accredited by the Asia Theological Association (A.T.A).

Course Curriculum

First Year
Semester – I

No.Course NameCredit Hours
1Introduction to the Bible3
2Introduction to Mission3
3Research Method3
4Synoptic Gospels3
5Introduction to Systematic Theology3
6English- I3

Semester – II

No.Course NameCredit Hours
3Major World Religions3
5Theology of Mission3
6Advanced English3

Second Year
Semester – I

No.Course NameCredit Hours
1Theology- I3
2Greek- I3
3Pastoral Care Counseling3
4Prophetic Books3
5Church Leadership & Administration3
6Hebrew Language- I3
7History of Christianity- I3

Semester – II

No.Course NameCredit Hours
1Theology- II3
2Greek- II3
3Historical Books3
4Pauline Thought3
6Hebrew Language- II3
7History of Christianity- II3

Third Year
Semester – I

No.Course NameCredit Hours
1O.T Theology3
2Hebrew Poetry & Wisdom Literature3
3Johannine Thought3
4Urban and Tribal Mission3
5Christian Apologetics3
6Modern Religious and Secular Movements3

Semester – II

No.Course NameCredit Hours
1N.T Theology3
2Contemporary Trends of Mission3
3Christian Ethics3
4Cultural Anthropology3
5Apocalyptic Literature3
6Indian Christian Theology3

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